Looking to hire a new employee quickly?

Select and add your job ad to your cart:


€49 30 Days
  • 1 job ad
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • Employer branding
  • Support 24/7
  • Social media post


€129 30 Days
  • 1 job ad
  • Home page - 14 days
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • Email campaign 2 times
  • Employer branding
  • Support 24/7
  • Social media post
  • Google Ads & Facebook Ads campaign


€79 30 Days
  • 1 job ad
  • Home page - 7 days
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • Employer branding
  • Support 24/7
  • Social media post

Each ad job is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

The prices given are net amounts.

The price lists are valid from 01 June 2024.

Free services for every job ad option


  • E-mail notification to registered users of the published offer
  • External link to your/ a website or form in the job offer
  • Posting offers on partner websites
  • Unlimited number of characters on offer

Get more, pay less!

Buy more and save on every job ad.

Package offers are an alternative to single ads. If you are recruiting for more than one position, we have a perfect solution that will help reduce the costs of your recruitment process.


If you are interested in more ads, please contact us

[email protected]

Quick and convenient posting of job ads

  • Log in & Post a job ad

    Enter the existing account or create one! Add the ad details. It will take you 2 minutes - the ad will appear on the site immediately.

  • Buy a job ad

    Choose a suitable offer for you.

  • Start recruitment

    Your job ad is online! You can use the ATS system that suggests and collects the CVs of the right candidates.

Your ads will be promoted on partner websites:

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